W o r k s /
《布織布》 Spin & Spinning (2014) for Piano Four Hands
《鷲醬子》 Nanguan Fantasy (2014 Version) for Oboe and Prepared Piano
《俠情引》 Wanderers (2014) for Guqin, Cello and Uzbek Doira
《平安祭》 The Rite of Peace (2014 Version)
Concerto for Percussion and Chinese Chamber Orchestra
《琴瑟和鳴》 I Do (2014) Praise and Worship Song
《聲動部落》 The Tribe (2014) for 3 Percussionists and Tayal Flute
《落山 風吹 思想起》 Fantasy of Hengchun Air (2014) for Yueqin Ensemble,
Lute, Liuqin, Daguangxian, Percussion and Countertenor
《鄉村騎士間奏曲》 Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (2014 Version)
Arrangement for Soprano Saxophone, Bassoon Ensemble and Piano
《你真偉大》 How Great You Are (2014)
Arrangement for Soprano, Bassoon and Piano
《懸》 Mystery (2013) Music Theatre for Pipa and Percussion
《盼》 Aspire (2013) Solo for Row Drums and Multiple Percussion
《囍佬》 Amis' Feast (2013) for Violin and Piano
《萬沙浪》 Pangsaran (2013) for Clarinet, Violin and Piano
《白馬狂想》 Rhapsody of White Horse (2013) for Cello Quartet
《平安祭》 The Rite of Peace (2012)
Concerto for Percussion and Chinese Orchestra
《百戲》 Le Cirque (2012) Music Theatre for 9 Percussionists
《鄉村騎士間奏曲》 Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana (2012)
Arrangement for Bassoon Ensemble
《琴賦》 Ode on Lute (2011) for Violin, Organ and 2 Percussionists
《琴賦》 Ode on Lute (2011 Marimba Version)
for Marimba, Organ and 2 Percussionists
《墨響》 Contemplative Vox (2011) for Orchestra
《瞬思‧凝響》 Moments (2011)
Music Theatre for Percussion Solo in 5 Movements
《酒狂》 Drunken Ecstasy (2011)
Concerto for Percussion and Chinese Orchestra
《老人飲酒歌》 Elders Drinking Song (2010) for SATB Chorus
《老人飲酒歌》 Elders Drinking Song (2010 Ensemble Version)
for SATB Chorus and Bassoon Ensemble
《安靜》 Still (2010) Arrangement
for Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor and Oboe Ensemble
《主,惟有祢》 God and God Alone (2010) Arrangement
for SATB Chorus and Oboe and Bassoon Ensemble
《羽》 Feather (2010) Intermission Music
for Nanguan Contemporary Opera 《Feather》
for Nanguan Pipa and Satsuma Biwa
《越人歌》 Song of the Yue Boatman (2010) Music Theatre for Percussion Solo
《甜滋滋軟糖 》 Yummy Gummy (2010) Commercial Music for Violin, Cello, Horn, Piano and Percussion
《悸動的心 》 Heartbeat (2010) Commercial Music for Violin, Cello, Horn, Piano and Percussion
《茉莉高山青》 Jasmine in the Mountains (2009) for Percussion Ensemble
《布蘭詩歌》 Carmina Burana (2009) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Percussion Ensemble
《歲月之痕》 Insignia of the Years (2009) for Oboe and Piano
National Anthems of Taiwan, Belize, Guatemala and El Salvador (2009) Arrangement for Percussion Ensemble
《氣魄之美》 Soundtrack Music for Taipei National University of the Arts Promo Video (2009) for Violin, Cello, Oboe, Piano and Percussion
《靜思‧搧動》 Meditation & Agitation (2009) Music Theatre for Percussion Solo
《射日》 Solar Myth (2009) Music Theatre/Ensemble Concerto for Marimba Solo and 3 Percussionists
《南之音》 The Sound from South (2008) for Oboe and String Quartet
《耶穌給你平安》 Jesus Gives You Peace (2008) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Orchestra
《向山舉目》 I Lift Up My Eyes to the Mountains (2007) for String Quartet
《囈語》 Raving (2007) for Percussion Duo
《向高處行》 Higher Ground (2007) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Orchestra
《堅立在應許上》 Standing on the Promises (2007) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Orchestra
《福爾摩沙頌》 Formosa (2007) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Orchestra
《戀戀北回歸線》 Tropical Love (2007) Arrangement for SATB Chorus and Orchestra
《行星組曲-木星》 Jupiter from The Planets (2007) Arrangement for Percussion Ensemble
《埃及王子》 The Prince of Egypt (2006) Arrangement for Percussion Ensemble
《戀棧》 Ma Olah (2006 Version) for Marimba and 3 Percussionists
《鍬形蟲》 The Stag Beetle (2006) Children's Music for Vocal, Harpsichord and Percussion
《白雲走過》 Flowing Clouds (2006) Children's Music for Vocal, Flute and Percussion
《數數兒》 Numbers (2006) Children's Music for Vocal, Violin, Flute and Piano
《粉墨登場》 Début (2005) for 6 Percussionists
《蝴蝶夢》 The Butterfly Dream (2005) for Double Bass and Piano
《東風魄》 PO!!! (2005) for Percussion Solo
《卦‧象》 Hexagram (2005) for SATB Chorus
《戀棧》 Ma Olah (2005) for Marimba Solo
《音魂-六月雪》 The Sound of Grievance (2005) for String Quartet
《吐吶》 Qi (2005) for Flute and Percussion
《精打細算》 Spectacular Abacus (2004) for 6 Percussionists
《浮世繪》 Ukiyoe (2003) for Glockenspiel, Piano and Percussion
音樂劇《金星上的茱麗葉》 Juliet on Venus (2003) Musical
《寒舍食譜》 The Menu (2002) for Chamber Orchestra
《草圖》 Sketch (2002) for String Quartet
《Fugue & Choral on a Theme by Mahler》 (2002) for Orchestra
《花嫁》 The Bride (2002) for Piano Solo
《變臉》 Face Off (2002 Version) for Marimba and 6 Percussionists
《春》 Spring (2002) for Recorder Ensemble
《秋》 Autumn (2002) for Recorder Ensemble
Dance Music for Confucius Festival (2002) for Prepared Cello and 6 Percussionists
Dance Music for Confucius Festival (2002) for Prepared Cello and 6 Percussionists
《歲時記誼》 Scenes from Childhood (2001) for Soprano, Flute, Oboe, Pipa, 2 Percussionists and Projector
《Invention》 (2001) for Piano Solo
《原‧相》 Reflection (2001) for Orchestra
《Muggle》 (2001) for Prepared Piano Solo and Assistant
《刀馬旦》 Daoma Dan (2002) for Violin, Cello, Clarinet, Piano and Percussion
《99+1》 (2000) for Violin, Cello, Double Bass, Piano, Percussion and Metronome
《隨筆五章》 The Coordinates (2000) for SATB Chorus
《鷲醬子》 Nanguan Fantasy (2000) for Oboe, Prepared Piano and Percussion
《變臉》 Face Off (2000) for Marimba and 3 Percussionists
《33 Variations》 (1999) for Piano Solo
《颯》 The Sound of Wind (1999 Version) for Violin Solo
《炫?漩??》 Fancy Fantasy (1998) for Violin and Piano
《颯》 The Sound of Wind (1998) for Violin and Piano
《耘穗》 Cultivation (1998) for Violin and Piano
《飛礫‧流石》 Gravel (1997) for 3 Percussionists
《旭彩》 Twilight (1997) for Piano Trio
《幻》 Illusion (1997) for Piano Solo
《π》 (1997) for Piano Solo
瞬思‧凝響 Moments (2011); 靜思‧搧動 Meditation & Agitation (2009)
Photo Credit: Ju Percussion Group
越人歌 Song of the Yue Boatman (2010)
Photo Credit: Ju Percussion Group